Client, Boyd Campbell reversed his symptoms of hypertension, sleep apnea.
Watch Our Client Testimonial Channel
Couple takes The Health Dare and gets off c-pap machines.
PLus 8 pant sizes and 2 shirt sizes in 90 days!
Roger Found Freedom from Type II Diabetes Symptoms on The Health Dare.
Doctor Cuts his High Blood Pressure Meds 8 weeks in
Tank Spencer of News Radio 570 WWNC explains why he took The Health Dare.
Nick Griffith lost over 40 lbs and reversed or reduced all symptoms of diabetes.
Ben Lost 60 lbs in 8 weeks and he feels great!
Nicola lost 50 lbs 41 in and walks out of wheelchair. The Health Dare.
Group Clients at cooking class learning how to cook clean on The Health Dare.
Group Clients who took the fitness class while doing The Health Dare.
Amanda lost 30 lbs in 8 weeks and is feeling fantastic on The Health Dare.
Laura lost 28 lbs in 4 weeks on The Health Dare 90 Day Challenge.
Mandy lost 30 lbs & Joel lost 50 lbs in 4 weeks on The Health Dare.
Taking the health dare he lost 13 lbs in 1 weeks on The Health Dare.
Client spotlight success stories who have been taking The Health Dare.
She lost 30 lbs and 20.5 inches in 8 weeks on The Health Dare.
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- The Health Dare Educational Center Ribbon Cutting Greenville
- The Founder & Creator of The Health Dare Program Appears on Nite Line
- Client gets off High Blood Pressure Medication and loses 75.5 inches on The Health Dare!
- The Health Dare Sponsors The Ness Fest in Greenville, SC
- Client Takes The Health Dare, And Reverses Symptoms Of Type II Diabetes, Loses Weight And Gains Energy In Only 30 Days!
- What is a Health Coach?
- The Health Dare Vitamin L Valentine's Day Widows & Widowers Luncheon